“One in four“ submission to aiga.org Building Community Power open gallery was selected as one of the pieces to be showcased in Times Square during NYCXDESIGN, New York City’s annual celebration of international design. The open gallery prompt was to design visually impactful, intelligent, accessible nonpartisan social media graphics that enable nonprofits to communicate the need for civic engagement leading up to the midterm elections.
Role: Graphic design
Fun Fact! Although I was part of the AIGA national team that launched this year’s campaign for Design for Democracy campaign: Building Community Power, I submitted to the competition as a graphic designer and was selected by the jury!
This exhibition took place in the NASDAQ building in Times Square during the 2017 international NYCXDESIGN festival, on March 15.
About the EXHIBITIon
The installation took place just in time for NYCXDESIGN, New York City’s annual design festival, AIGA partnered with the Times Square Alliance and Design Pavilion to showcase a selection of 22 entries from Building Community Power’s call to action for digital graphics to get out the vote in this year’s midterm elections.
A jury composed of Harry Allen for Design Pavilion; Tim Tompkins for Times Square Alliance; Ally Kostick, Global Brand + Creative for NASDAQ; Frances Yllana, co-chair of the Design for Democracy committee; James Hill of Nonprofit VOTE; Laura Peres, Pratt MFA student; and famous design advocates Milton Glaser and Luba Lukova selected the submissions that were showcased in the Nasdaq Tower.
Read more about the Building Community Power event during NYCxDESIGN here.
The Artwork selected
This campaign was focused on collecting original, compelling, nonpartisan social media graphics to empower activists on the ground and support nonprofit partners with their civic engagement and outreach work. Submissions were prompted to speak to specific demographics, encouraging designers to consider diversity, accessibility and voter’s suppression.
My submission built on one of the facts provided in the brief by NonprofitVOTE. “According to the US Census Bureau: Voting and Registration, One in four eligible Americans is not registered to vote.” It was also designed to inform a fact and put out a call to action, it is in two languages to be accessible and uses diverse skin tones to resonate with a wider audience.
You can view the full gallery of submissions here.
social media presence
On National Voters Registration Day, my submission was shared as a status on twitter by National Voter Registration Day’s official twitter account as a call to action asking followers to register. As a result my graphic was also shared on social media by NonprofitVOTE’s nonprofit partners.
You can see it bellow shared on instagram by organizations all over the country and you can also see it shared on twitter by @ToniWiley, @GroundswellMvmt, and @NatUrbanLeague